Around the world vs. Across the world vs. All over…


Around the world = around the world (or globe); all over the world; everywhere in the world (or globe); in many parts of the world; in a large proportion of Earth; in various parts of Earth; around Earth from east to west, or west to east, thus crossing all meridians. Examples: The company has many customers around the world. Acid rains have recently killed a vast volume of forests around the world. A wide variety of science experiments are being carried out around the world each day.


Across the world = throughout, all over, from one side to the other of, right through (the world). Examples: The disease is affecting millions of children across the world every day. Football is a universal language for millions of people across the world. Engagement with civil society organizations across the world is essential.


All over the world = throughout the world; in every part of the world. Examples: The place attracts visitors from all over the world/throughout the world. Examples: Wives are the same all over the world. Soy products are used all over the world. Selfishness is extreme all over the world.


At best you could draw a subtle difference between ‘across’ and ‘all over’. ‘Across’ involves a one-dimension movement, literally on the surface of something like a playground, street etc. ‘All over the world’ involves a scattering or dotting image, suggesting that ‘whether you move south, north, west or, east, wherever you go, you will ….’


When we come to actual usage, ‘around the world’ is relatively more popular than ‘across the world,’ according to a comparison of the two phrases in thousands of books tracked by Google’s Ngram Viewer. As you can see, ‘around the world’ is way ahead of ‘across the world’ in the usage and there has been an upward trend over the past many years in the number of people using it. However, all over the world simply means ‘throughout the world’; ‘in every part of the world.’


Now the question is: Are the three phrases always interchangeable or is there difference in terms of their meaning or collocate? The google search results testify there are far more sentences that come with around the worldand ‘all over the world’ comparing to across the world.’



‘Across the globe’: if you go ‘across’ a globe, you are talking about many countries.

‘The world over’: Everywhere on the earth. ‘Smiling is the same language the world over’.


Some example sentences of ‘around the world’


It is a raw material found in great quantities all around the world.

There remain many thousands of nuclear warheads around the world.

After the truce, leaders from countries all around the world met for the first time.

The organisations gathered volunteers around the world.

This is a best model and representatives from big companies around the world will be attending.

Additional technical support will be provided by technical experts selected from around the world.

Many young professionals and scholars from around the world will participate in the summit.

The employment of millions of workers around the world has been struck off with the stroke of a pen.

This is the challenge of human rights currently addressed by many leaders around the world.

Its national committees and programs around the world bring environmentalists together on these issues.


More example sentences of ‘around the world’


They may not have invented the battery, but millions of people around the world would agree that they perfected it.

Some estimates suggest that there are around 1.3 billion poor around the world who live on an income of less than $1 a day.

It is restoring peace, bringing solace and offering hope to millions of people afflicted by conflict and complex crises around the world.

Now we have introduced an environmental management system at all our 150 manufacturing sites around the world.

Companies are now offering a wide range of products and services from which people around the world can choose.

Our caring non-government organisations give poor children from around the world an opportunity to live a better life.

Products for children with special needs are subject to the most stringent quality and safety standards all around the world.


Some example sentences of ‘across the world’


The country has made thousands of enemies all across the world.

But the wealth is very unevenly distributed across the world.

There are signs of growth in the information technology across the world.

The tensions between both countries play out in different ways across the world.

The negative fallout of environmental degradation is felt all across the world.

We will continue working with you and others like you across the world.

Today, millions of people across the world work from their homes thanks to this pandemic.

We stand shoulder to shoulder in defence of democracy and freedom across the world.


More example sentences of ‘across the world’


The president wished to convey a deep message of condolence to all Catholics across the world.

Now it is our priority to build friendly relations with countries in our region and those across the world.

For the inaugural award in 2021, an impressive 56 applications from 42 cities across the world were received in 2022.

Our highly qualified doctors and specialists work in almost 60 locations across the world to perfect advanced technologies in healthcare sector.

Across the world violence, censorship and ownership of the media by a few big companies threaten the plurality of free speech.


Some example sentences of ‘all over the world’


These products are available all over the world.

Passport simulates training stages all over the world.

Women all over the world carry designer handbags.

Religious fanaticism is spreading all over the world.

Design industries all over the world prefer SOLIDWORKS experience.

MBBS certificates are commonly recognized all over the world.

Travellers were stranded all over the world due to travel ban amid Covid-19.

The cartoons have offended many Muslims all over the world.

The Prime Minister’s speech is attracting attention all over the world.

The investigating agency of the country has operatives all over the world tracking aliens.

Italian cuisine is in demand all over the world.

We hope to build and develop lasting friendly relations between countries all over the world.

In these times, people all over the world are living in desperate poverty.

Mr. Wilson has travelled all over the world and has never been denied access to any country. 


More example sentences of ‘all over the world’


There is a great number and variety of TANDEM Schools all over the world.

It would be our pleasure to have children and young people from all over the world.

The company’s dynamic team manages group trips requests all over the world.

Amid the war and destruction, meetings were held with leaders from all over the world.

All over the world we find very interesting projects which end in hands of big companies and this will continue happening.

There are engineering companies and research centres from all over the world, whose purpose is to exchange technical know-how.

With a click, you can find locations all over the world: cities, streets and addresses, and places to go to.

So we are glad to belong to this great company; we are glad to have managers and representatives all over the world.

It was estimated that at least three hundred thousand child soldiers were participating in armed conflicts all over the world.


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